On October 30, 2014, SERDP and ESTCP will launch a webinar series that highlights cutting-edge and practical information from research and technology demonstrations sponsored by SERDP and ESTCP. The first webinar is focused on recent, important advances in vapor intrusion assessments at contaminated sites and is targeted towards the end users, including practitioners, the regulatory community, and researchers.
This inaugural webinar will be led by Dr. Paul Johnson from Arizona State University and Dr. Tom McHugh from GSI Environmental. Dr. Johnson will present results from his SERDP project in which laboratory-scale research and modeling studies were combined with a field-scale assessment in a real home overlying a dilute TCE plume next to Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Real-time monitoring of indoor air, building properties, subsurface concentrations and environmental factors has been underway since 2010. Topics to be covered include sampling duration and frequency, decision-making with typical vapor intrusion data sets, confounding effects of indoor sources, effects of environmental factors on vapor intrusion, and how new short-term TCE exposure guidelines may lead to rethinking of vapor intrusion pathway assessment approaches.
Dr. McHugh will present results from two ESTCP projects that demonstrated methods for distinguishing between vapor intrusion and indoor sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): on-site GC/MS and compound-specific stable isotope analyses. Distinguishing between vapor intrusion and indoor sources of VOCs is a significant challenge, greatly increasing the cost and complexity of vapor intrusion investigations. Tools and decision logic that allow for rapid and accurate discrimination were developed as part of these projects and were validated through application at a number of single-family residences and industrial buildings.
To register for this webinar please visit: http://serdp-estcp.org/Tools-and-Training/Webinar-Series/10-30-2014. An archived version of the webinar also will be available on the SERDP and ESTCP website after the presentation.