Motivated by a Defense Science Board report and Congressional direction, ESTCP conducted a Wide Area Assessment (WAA) Pilot Program from 2005 through 2007. Results from the demonstrations show that the technologies are effective and provide strong evidence that, when applied to suspected munitions sites, they have the potential to separate parcels with extensive munitions use from those that show no evidence of munitions activity. To illustrate the various technologies used for land-based and underwater applications, two animations have been developed.
- Wide Area Assessment Pilot Program Animation: This 6-minute animation describes the WAA Pilot Program as well as illustrates the various technologies that contribute to the overall goals of the demonstrations.
- Toussaint River Demonstration Animation: In 2006, ESTCP conducted a demonstration to characterize UXO contamination impacting the Toussaint River area along the southern shore of Lake Erie in Ohio. This 6-minute animation describes the assessment of munitions contamination at the Toussaint River, as well as illustrates the various technologies utilized for the demonstration.
- Final Report – ESTCP Pilot Project Wide Area Assessment for Munitions Response: This report presents a summary of the ESTCP Wide Area Assessment Pilot Program, including detailed results from the individual demonstrations along with general conclusions about the capabilities and limitations of the WAA technologies.