The goal for this summit was to provide SERDP and ESTCP with an initial set of short-term objectives and long-term goals to address AFFF alternatives from the research and development, and the demonstration validation and implementation perspectives. There were approximately 100 attendees representing DoD, other federal agencies, academia, and the firefighting manufacturing industry. HON Robert McMahon, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, provided initial comments to the group describing the great need for out of the box thinking to provide solutions to the DoD and our nation regarding AFFF alternatives. A group of military fire chiefs and the Ohio State Fire Marshal provided the group with a rationale for providing a solution that would not add additional risk to our first responders, but they also described the constraints they all face regarding training in relevant environments. A Naval Sea Systems Command engineer provided a review of the current military specification for AFFF and the historical background regarding Naval firefighting. A series of lightning round presentations provided perspective from the Federal Aviation Administration, National Fire Protection Association, Naval Air Warfare Center, Air Force CivilEngineering Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
All of these presentations set the stage for several hours of intensive discussions on materials and engineering solutions to address AFFF alternatives. Those discussions are summarized in the Workshop Report.