DoD's Installation Innovation Programs

Innovating with Government, Industry & Academia

Warfighters on Land


The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) develop and demonstrate innovative, scalable technologies that enhance military readiness, improve warfighter capabilities, and strengthen defense infrastructure. The programs prioritize common sense, cost-effective solutions that support operational effectiveness and reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens at military installations.

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Assess Military Installation Resilience and Readiness
Advance Capabilities with RDT&E Projects
Rapidly Field Innovative Technologies

Focus Areas All Projects

SERDP and ESTCP work with top talent from private industry, universities, and the federal government to execute projects that enhance capabilities and sustain operations at military installations. Browse our focus areas below. On each page, you will find related projects, resources, and calls for proposals. 

Connecting Researchers and End-Users

Technology transfer requires collaboration between many partners – including researchers, technology developers, installation managers, and defense end-users. Our work extends beyond managing RDT&E projects. Learn about our efforts to connect innovators across the DoD commercial technology pipeline.